by Cathy Flynn | Mar 23, 2021 | Selected Writings
I wrote about how over marketed olive can get stuffed in The Irish Times a couple of years ago. Oh yesiree, I’m not afraid to take on the big issues. Link to the original article here. According to a tub of Greek olives I bought recently, each one of them had been...
by Cathy Flynn | Mar 23, 2021 | Selected Writings
Illustration credit: Karen Harte I bought my house two years ago by some minor financial miracle. About six weeks after I got the keys, I decided there was no time like the present (late Autumn) to rip all the plaster off the walls and leave myself with no heat or hot...
by Cathy Flynn | Mar 23, 2021 | Selected Writings
During the first lockdown when we had no idea what we were doing or when things would get back to ‘normal’ I wrote a series of diaries for All the big topics were covered. My flirtation with polishing brass (not a euphemism), my aversion to showering, going...
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